NRO has been providing float trips to guests for over 30 fun-filled, family friendly years.
Our business is built on creating fun and memories for your group on the Niangua River in Lebanon, Missouri. Following you’ll find our trip options and the types of vessels we offer to rent.
Keep in mind we arrange a lot of off site pickups and specialized group trips. Look to us for your next big event or reserve now for your upcoming summer vacation..
Our Routes
14 Miles:
NRO to
Departure times are between 8am-9am.
This trip averages 4-5 hours in a canoe or kayak and 6-8 hours in a raft.
Note: You must be past Rendezvous Point before 1:00 pm in order to continue on to Oldham as water levels after Rendezvous Point are very low and slow.
11 Miles:
Departure times are between 8am-10am.
This trip averages 4-5 hours in a canoe or kayak and 5-7 hours in a raft.
No innertubes permitted.
Note: You must be past NRO before 2pm in order to continue on to Rendezvous.
7 Miles:
Departure times are between 8am-2pm. This trip averages 2-4 hours in a canoe or kayak and 3-5 hours in a raft or tube. Innertubes must be on the water before noon.
4 Miles:
to NRO
Departure times are between 8am-3pm. This trip averages 1-3 hours in a canoe or kayak and 3-4 hours in a raft or innertube.
Here's some helpful information for your float trip!
- All vessels must be off the water before 6:00 pm. (5pm in off season) Late take-outs after 6pm (5pm in off season) will be charged 75.00 per vessel late fee. No exceptions!
- Season Hours – Last take out time: 6:00pm daily Labor Day-Memorial Day – Last take out time: 5:00pm.
- Remember that land along both sides of the river is privately owned. Please stay in authorized campground areas only.
- Help us keep the river clean and free of litter. Trash bags are available and we do pick up all trash at the end of your trip.
- Absolutely no glass in canoes, rafts or kayaks. It’s the law!
We do not supply life jackets or paddles for private vessels.
Shuttle Services are provided for personal vessels and are the same price 7 days per week. This fee does not include camping.
We are 4 miles west of Bennett Spring State Park Take Highway 64 to Clyde's General Store, turn north on Corkery Road. Follow signs 2 1/2 miles
- Please Enter At Least The Minimum Amount!