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ABS Canoe

$75 Sun-Fri

$85 Sat

2 Seat Fiberglass Canoe

2 nights primitive camping included with rented vessel/float

You’ll be prompted to complete your trip itinerary prior to checkout.
If you’d like to add it now, click here: Trip Itinerary


Select just YOUR FLOAT DATE in this box below: 


Departure times between 8am-9am
 4 to 5 hours in a canoe or kayak
6 to 8 hours in a raft Note: You must be past Rendezvous Point before 1:00 pm in order to continue on to Oldham. (water level after Rendezvous Point is very low and slow)  All vessels must be off the water before 6pm. (5pm in off season) Late take-outs will be charged 75.00  per vessel. No exceptions!


Departure times between 8am-2pm
2 to 4 hours in a canoe or kayak
3 to 5 hours in a raft or innertube (innertube’s must be in the water before noon)

Note:  All vessels must be off the water before 6pm. (5pm in off season)
Late take-outs after 6pm (5pm in off season)  will be charged 75.00 per vessel.  No exceptions!


4 Mile    BENNETT to NRO
Departure times between 8am-3pm
1 to 3 hours in a canoe or kayak
3 to 4 hours in a raft or innertubeNote:  All vessels must be off the water before 6:00 pm. (5pm in off season) Late take-outs after 6pm (5pm in off season) will be charged 75.00 per vessel late fee. No exceptions!SUNDAY — FRIDAY
Departure times between 8am-10am
4 to 5 hours in a canoe or kayak
5 to 7 hours in raftNote: You must be past NRO before 2pm in order to continue on to Rendezvous. All vessels must be off the water before 6pm. (5pm in off season) Late take-outs after 6pm (5pm in off season) will be charged 75.00 per vessel late fee. No exceptions!*Floating hours may vary depending on water level, how much you paddle, how much you stop along the river.*Mileage is not exact*In Season: May thru Sept last take out time is 6:00pm daily
*Off Season:  October thru April last take out time is 5pm daily
Remember that land along both sides of the river is privately owned. Please stay in authorized campground areas only.
Help us keep the river clean and free of litter. Trash bags are available and we do pick up all trash at the end of your trip.

Absolutely no glass on the river or in canoes, rafts, tubes or kayaks. It’s the law!

Floating Policy


Floating is both good exercise and great fun experienced in the outdoors. It is an enjoyable way to spend a day with friends and family. As a participant, you have responsibilities, one should always show courtesy to your fellow floaters, which also includes the Niangua River Oasis Staff.

Be aware, as, with any sport, there is some inherent risk that personal awareness and common sense can reduce. Never float under the influence of drugs or alcohol. We provide a litterbag with each floating vessel, keep it until the end of the trip. Observe all posted signs and warnings.

The Missouri State Water Patrol patrols these waters. Most property along the river’s edge is privately owned and is often marked with purple paint meaning NO TRESPASSING! Please do NOT stop or camp on those bluffs or riverbanks.

We cannot assume responsibility for personal injury, medical payments, or property loss or damage. You will be asked to acknowledge this by signing a liability waiver before the outing begins.

The cost of your float includes transportation, the normal use of the vessel, paddles, trash bags, and life jackets.

Please treat our canoes, rafts, kayaks, and equipment with the same respect as if they were your own. We expect normal wear and tear on our canoes, and for that, we do not charge. In the event a canoe or raft is damaged beyond normal wear and tear, then we expect to be reimbursed appropriately about the damage. If you abandon your canoe or raft or it is lost or stolen, you will be asked to pay for it. If everyone follows the rules of common courtesy, every floater will have a safe and rewarding adventure.

Rain Check/Weather Policy Inclement weather for activities is up to the discretion of NRO management. If it is raining on the day of your float we will issue a rain check. Raincheck is good for one year from the date issued.

Cancellation Policy is 14 days in advance after 14 days there is NO REFUND it goes on a rain check/credit policy that’s good for 1 year. If flooding is an issue and the river is not floatable, there is NO REFUND and your reservation would go on a rain check/credit policy good for 1 year.

Floating Liability Waiver: Don’t  delay you float trip! Please have everyone on your reservation to sign their liability waiver electronically on their own phone prior to your arrival to NRO.  (parents must sign for minors) You can copy and paste the waiver link in a private text or group text message to everyone in your group. The link will be in your confirmation email……. it says sign these waivers.

Vehicle’s can be registered online
All vehicles must stop at office and get a car tag before entering the campground

Enjoy a relaxing day on the Niangua River